Bruno Roche is the founder of the Economics of Mutuality, a new school of thought and management innovation aimed at shifting our economic model from financial value extraction to mutual creation.
He is the former Chief Economist at Mars Incorporated, where he led the development of the Economics of Mutuality for 15 years in collaboration with Oxford Saïd Business School.
He co-founded centers for the Economics of Mutuality with Oxford Saïd Business School (UK), CEIBS (Shanghai, China), and Erasmus University in Rotterdam (Rotterdam School of Management, NL).
He co-edited the Oxford University Press book “Putting Purpose into Practice: the Economics of Mutuality” and co-authored the book “Completing Capitalism – Heal Business to Heal the World.” Both books have been translated into Chinese.
He’s serving as a board member of the UN Global Compact PRME, is a member of the S&P Global Sustainable Finance Scientific Council, a founding board member of the China Impact Investment Network, and an expert to the World Economic Forum.
His academic education and doctoral research followed a path in applied mathematics with specializations in international economics, international finance, and management sciences.